Dealing With the Loss of a Job

This week addresses the feelings and emotions that come with losing a job and provides actionable steps to take when a job loss happens.

Thriving After Unexpected Job Loss

What to expect when you lose your job - and what to do next.

The Emotional Rollercoaster of Job Loss

How a job loss affects us psychologically - and why the power of these effects might surprise you.

Embracing Opportunities and Rebuilding Confidence

Transitioning from setback to comeback during unemployment.

Mastering the Modern Job Search

Leveraging digital tools and strategies to land your next opportunity.

Exploring New Career Paths

Unemployment can also be a time to explore new career paths - taking your existing skills and expanding them to apply to new opportunities.

Budgeting During Unemployment

Budgeting and financial planning strategies for weathering unemployment.

Keeping Engaged When Unemployed

Embracing opportunities for growth and connection during a difficult transitional period.

New topics are posted every Sunday.

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Last Week @ NuVista Federal Credit Union

A woman giving a young girl a piggy back ride.

Setting Your Financial Priorities

A look at the factors influencing how we spend, save, and think about money.

Aligning Our Spending and Values

An introduction to this week's theme that's focused on the factors that influence how we spend and save.

Forces That Drive Our Spending Behavior

By exploring the deeper issues that go along with our spending habits, we can unlock the motivations that guide us, giving us a clearer picture of why and how we spend and save.

Conspicuous Consumption - Does It Make You Happy?

Examining the psychological and social drivers of conspicuous consumption, and exploring alternative paths to happiness and fulfillment.

The Psychology of Saving: Building a Nest Egg

Understanding the mental barriers to saving and practical tips for overcoming them.

Financial Goal-Setting

How to master the art of financial goal-setting for your financial future.

Financial Priorities Across the Decades

A review of some common financial priorities to consider for your 20s, 30s, 40s, and beyond.

A Path to Intentional Spending

Strategies for creating a spending plan that reflects your priorities and enhances your well-being.